Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Is it just me !?!?!?!?

I have absolutely no desire to coupon !! this has happen to me in the past, but for some reason I just can't shake it this time.  I went to CVS yesterday to do the Gas Card deal and I only had 1 coupon to use and it was the $1.50/1 for the M & M's and I was to lazy to unzip ans open up my binder ( Total lack of interest ) so I didn't..this is very unlike me, also I had 22 KC Masterpiece BBQ Sauce $1/1 coupons to get it free at HEB and I didn't even do it ! I really didn't care. To search the deals or blog, I almost cringe when I have to open my computer. Now I am totally sucked in to this Casey Anthony trial !! I can't stop watching it ! Yesterday I didn't leave my room because I didn't want to miss a thing, so with that I didn't get anything out for dinner for me, my hubby or my 5 kids in the house :( so I ran to Walmart to get a frozen pizza and some other things that we needed and I didn't even bother to take my binder in with me and I know I had coupons to cover most of the items I purchased.....I have been couponing hardcore for about 4 years and I have never been this bad, is this happening to anyone else ? and if so, how are you shaking it ???


  1. Maybe its just that fact that you daughter just left and you miss her already

  2. Tanya, this has happened to be before. I think at times we all get burned out on running around deal chasing. I've been laying low too, just working on my site. And I agree it could have something to do with your daughter just leaving. I know you miss her very much!! Hang in there, it will pass!!! If you need anything you got my email addy!! Keep in touch!!

  3. Okay Tanya - I'll take those 22 coupons for the barbeque sauce if you are not going to use them. I used the five I had and gave them to my mom. You are depressed prob. because of your daughter and also watching the Casey Anthony trial. Such a tragedy. I do think she prob. did it but I can't imagine why anyone would kill their own child. STOP watching that depressing trial and go out and try to enjoy the beauty God has blessed us with. Lynne d.

    PS - I was just kidding about the coupons.

  4. I've been filling the same way. For me, some of the problem is that the deals haven't been that great in the last few weeks. And since Kroger's stopped doubling and tripling here in Houston, it's really brought me down. Good luck!

  5. Yes! I'm feeling the same way. I think that everyone who has started couponing because of the TLC show Extreme Couponing is killing my desire. All the newspapers are gone on Sunday morning and I'm having such a hard time finding my deals. I'm just "whatever," about it. I think a large part of it is that I have enough personal hygiene items that I'm not interested in anymore. I haven't been bringing my binder in either because I just don't feel like looking. I do make a list and get all my coupons if I'm going grocery shopping - but I've stopped my 2 - 3 times a week shopping for freebies. Ah, I'm in a coupon funk. Glad I'm not the only one, lol !

  6. Reply: I am so grateful to have you all ! I agree with all of you, but mostly with Morgan, I really feel like I am wasting my time when I go to the stores and there is nothing to be had, the shelf clearers have beat me to the punch, and the TLC show is creating a bunch of unfair couponers and it's sucking the life out of the joy I use to have. I think if I take a break and just lay low for a while I will get back into the swing of things, I think I just need one HUGE deal that I use to do to get back my mojo :) Thank you all so much.

  7. Hey Hunnie bunny :)

    I hope you're able to shake this soon, I would say just take it as it is for right now. Leave it alone.. Just make sure you continue to read up on the latest deals, Maybe if some new ones ..More exciting ones hit you'll be back at it again? Who known and clearly I'm not good at advice lol I just wanted to say..I miss you!! and I hope you're feeling good very soon.

  8. Tanya

    I live up the road in San Marcos. I really appreciate all you do. I am relatively new to coupon clipping. It is not only encouraging to read your blog, but it is additionally encouraging to have someone who lives so close be such a great inspiration. I see your passion in your blog. I appreciate your blog and re-read it several times a week.

    Thank goodness you need a break! See you were an example even in your need to rest. :) I took your KC suggestion and they are proudly on my shelf. If you are sad because your daughter just left (by the way THANK YOU TO ALL IN YOUR FAMILY FOR ALL THEY DO IN SERVING OUR COUNTRY THROUGH THE MILITARY), why don't you get those 22 barbecue coupons, physically get the bottles and give them to young folks your daughters age who are serving our country in honor of Memorial Day. Random acts of kindness always make my day.

    Thanks again,

  9. Aw, You're still not here :(
    I hope you're enjoying your time off at least!! :) I'll be PMing you soon, Hope you're feeling okay :)

  10. I feel the same way. Although I haven't couponed for as long as you, ever since that show came out everything I am buying is without coupons because I just can't stand the looks, the snide comments or the outright rudeness if I use coupons. It's sad but I just don't want to deal with it anymore.

  11. It's been a month, do you feel it yet? I miss you! You were the first person I learned from! I stopped for a couple of weeks but started again this week. I needed more baby products! tylenol, swimmers, puffs, etc. Gerber has been putting some good Q's on their fb page. Come back, please? We miss you.

  12. Please come back...I miss those redbox and blockbuster freebie codes!!...I hope all is well..Take care.

  13. I check the site every week to see if you are back. I met you at Walmart 6 months ago. I'll never forget how happy you and your husband looked to find the deal you found. You shared two dog food coupons with me, so that I could get free food. After that I became an avid fan of you site. I had a baby in early may so your break went well with the break that I took....but I'm back and I'm wishing you were back to. Sounds like a bunch of people miss your skills!

  14. Are you ever coming back?

  15. I am a quiet fan, and I just want to encourage you to pick up your binder and hit the stores again. It's hard we have to all stick together, with Cashiers double checking, managers trying to give an excuse of why a coupon can't be used. We need each other!

  16. Still waiting for you to come back. I miss you Tanya. Lynne D.

  17. come back please we need you. Adrianna M

  18. Please let us know how you are. WE are worried about you. We haven't heard from you in so long. Are you okay?
